Commander Quest — Judgment

Aaron Meacham
4 min readFeb 21, 2020

Graveyard Love and Hate with THB

Photo by Echo Grid on Unsplash

Continuing to examine the impact of Theros Beyond Death on the landscape of Commander, I wanted to look for some more unappreciated or underappreciated cards (played in under 1% of decks on EDHrec) to fight back against escape mechanics, which have further bolstered some already-dominant commanders like Muldrotha, Kess, and Meren. Judgment, with its strong graveyard and anti-graveyard synergies seemed like a great set to revisit.

If you haven’t already checked out my examination of Ice Age and Bant enchantment synergies with THB, make sure to take a look at that, as well.

The Love

#2 — Toxic Stench

Obviously the most situational on the list, but if you’re piloting a deck that wants lots of cards in the graveyard, it’s essentially a second copy of Doomblade. Or if your deck just incidentally throws a lot of cards is the graveyard, like the new commander Atris alongside a few dozen Persistent Petitioners.

#1 — Quiet Speculation



Aaron Meacham

My name anagrams to “a man becomes.” I love movies and Kurt Vonnegut. I don’t understand how anagrams work.